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Are you intensely passionate about our country?
You're left of alt-Right...
You're right of alt-Left...
Are you ready to go tilt?
You're alt-Center!

The system in action :(

There is no longer civil discourse.  There is no longer tolerance for a reasonable approach to a reasonable problem.  Perfectly reasonable people get cancelled, expelled, doxed, arrested, fired or spontaneously combust! 

No Hypocrisy  Compassion 
Personal Accountability Good

Representing in GOOD FAITH!

 Reasonable Safety Nets

The WHOLE story & the WHOLE truth

No Welfare State   Free Markets

Equal Opportunity    Meritocracy  Fair Play Failure!  and Success! 

Talking about the issues through reason, sarcasm, and humor

Some suggest if you reside in the center, you stand for nothing.  I see it exactly oppositely.  The more you consider, the more you embrace - and reject - the more you will approach the middle.  Laziness, tribalism, and identity politics will push you more and more one way or the other...


Your personal life - socially, romantically, and economically is just like anything.  You get out what you put in.   Garbage in, garbage out.  Nothing in, nothing out.  Best effort, best outcome.

Many years ago, I broke my neck.  I've been paralyzed since.  I know struggle and I know triumph.  I live a fulfilled life, have found peace and contentment and am (usually) happy.  Please take control of your own life.​

Let's talk it out!

Causes &

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YouTube Channel:

The Alt-Center Network - YouTube


YouTube Episodes:

What makes me Alt Center? 09-MAR-2024 


Contact me: (be nice... (kinda the point :) or dont :()) - 

Videos & Podcasts

How bad is it?

Tax the Rich?

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